About us

Generational Impact Ministries

There is no treasure on earth in which you should place a greater focus than the treasure of your own family in which you seek to glorify God. Your journey with your family looks very unique because you are so uniquely created. However, your journey can have various similarities to others’ journeys. In either case, God, and His Word, is your complete source of truth, of hope, and of strength.

Noah & Jackie McKelvin

Noah and Jackie McKelvin have been married for 33 years and have three grown children—Hannah, Priscilla, and Noah Luke. After graduating from Western Bible College (currently Colorado Christian University) and then becoming parents, they both began teaching parenting classes and have done so for over 25 years. They obtained their counseling certificates from AACC, (American Association of Christian Counselors.) Their passion for the family was rooted in their intense desire to raise their own children according to God’s purpose.

They had “generational goals” for their family and for their children. These goals were to not only impact their generation but the generations to come. Their desire was to fulfill God’s desire – to raise children who would be both responsive to God’s leading in their lives as well as lead lives that would ultimately have an impact on the generations to come, for His Glory. The authors became convinced of a concept called “Generational Parenting.” Namely, God has generational goals for you and your children. He not only desires to impact you and your children today, but He longs to impact the generations to come, through you and your children’s influence. (Psalms 78:5-7)

“so the next generation would know,
    even the children yet to be born,
    and they in turn would tell their children.”

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Speaking Engagements:

Noah and Jackie McKelvin are also available to speak in a single-date format regarding these powerful concepts. Noah has led men’s retreats and has spoken to men in various settings. Jackie has spoken to multiple women’s groups and in women’s retreats and enjoys helping others to grasp and embrace God’s Word and God’s heart as it applies to the family. They are both available to speak in groups alone or together, as the Lord leads.

11-Week Seminar:

Noah and Jackie McKelvin have been involved in teaching parenting classes for over 30 years. They have instructed, mentored, and coached countless couples and single parents to enhance and improve their parenting styles and their family life. They are available upon request (if in the Denver Metro area) to come to your location and lead and facilitate an 11 Week Seminar.


Need some one-on-one mentoring? Noah and Jackie McKelvin are also available if you would like mentoring as well. Walking side-by-side is a powerful aid as God would have it. Noah and Jackie have mentored men and women for aiding in how to study God’s Word, being a better father, mother, husband, and wife.